complete bibtex complete latex.
Other refereed publications
The Tikz-BPMN library.
Sander J.J. Leemans.
The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network 2025.
Process Mining Success Factors and Interrelationships: A Multi-case Perspective.
Azumah Mamudu, Wasana Bandara, Moe T. Wynn, Sander J.J. Leemans.
Business & Information Systems Engineering in press.
Enjoy the Silence: Analysis of Stochastic Petri Nets with Silent Transitions.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Marco Montali.
Information Systems 2024.
A Chance For Models To Show Their Quality: Stochastic Process Model-Log Dimensions.
Adam Burke, Sander J.J. Leemans, Moe T. Wynn, Wil M.P. van der Aalst, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede.
Information Systems 2024.
Bot Log Mining: An Approach to Integrated Analysis in Robotic Process Automation and Process Mining.
Andreas Egger, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede, Wolfgang Kratsch, Sander J.J. Leemans, Maximilian Röglinger, Moe T. Wynn.
Information Systems 2024.
Partially Ordered Stochastic Conformance Checking.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Tobias Brockhoff, Wil M.P. van der Aalst, Artem Polyvyanyy.
Knowledge and Information Systems in press.
On Process Discovery Experimentation: Addressing the Need for Research Methodology in Process Discovery.
Jana-Rebecca Rehse, Sander J.J. Leemans, Jan Martijn E.M. van der Werf, Peter Fettke.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 2024.
An Interdisciplinary Survey on Information Flows in Supply Chains.
Jan Pennekamp, Roman Matzutt, Christopher Klinkmuller, Lennart Bader, Martin Serror, Eric Wagner, Sidra Malik, Maria Linnartz, Jessica Rahn, Tan Gurpinar, Eduard Vlad, Sander J.J. Leemans, Salil S. Kanhere, Volker Stich, Klaus Wehrle.
ACM Computing Surveys 2024.
Conformance Checking for Data-aware Processes: An Axiomatic Approach.
Adam Banham, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede, Sander J.J. Leemans, Robert Andrews, Moe T. Wynn, Felix Mannhardt.
IEEE Access 2024.
Stochastic Process Discovery: Can it be Done Optimally?.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Tian Li, Marco Montali, Artem Polyvyanyy.
Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering 2024.
Object Synchronizations and Specializations with Silent Objects in Object-Centric Petri Nets.
Jan Niklas van Detten, Pol Schumacher, Sander J.J. Leemans.
International Conference on Business Process Management 2024.
Stochastic Conformance Checking Based On Expected Subtrace Frequency.
Eduardo Goulart Rocha, Sander J.J. Leemans, Wil M.P. van der Aalst.
International Conference on Process Mining 2024.
Discovering Compact, Live and Identifier-Sound Object-Centric Process Models.
Jan Niklas van Detten, Pol Schumacher, Sander J.J. Leemans.
International Conference on Process Mining 2024.
Differentially Private Event Log Publishing with Case Attributes.
Hannes Ueck, Moe T. Wynn, Sander J.J. Leemans.
International Conference on Process Mining workshops 2024.
The Jensen-Shannon Distance for Stochastic Conformance Checking.
Tian Li, Artem Polyvyanyy, Sander J.J. Leemans.
International Conference on Process Mining workshops 2024.
Locally Optimized Process Trees Discovery.
Calvin Schröder, Jan Niklas van Detten, Sander J.J. Leemans.
International Conference on Process Mining workshops 2024.
A Framework for Advanced Case Notions in Object-Centric Process Mining.
Jan Niklas van Detten, Pol Schumacher, Sander J.J. Leemans.
International Conference on Process Mining workshops 2024.
Loosening Assumptions in Object-Centric Process Mining (Extended Abstract).
Jan Niklas van Detten, Sander J.J. Leemans.
International Conference on Process Mining workshops 2024.
Other refereed publications
Statistical Tests and Association Measures for Business Processes.
Sander J.J. Leemans, James M. McGree, Artem Polyvyanyy, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede.
International Conference on Business Process Management Journal First 2024.
Learning Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets From Event Data.
Wil M.P. van der Aalst, Sander J.J. Leemans.
Festschrift Joost-Pieter Katoen 2024.
Process Miner, Are You Sure? Conducting Valid and Reliable Experiments in Process Mining.
Jana-Rebecca Rehse, Sander J.J. Leemans, Peter Fettke, Jan Martijn E.M. van der Werf.
International Conference on Business Process Management Tutorials 2024.
Ebi - a Stochastic Process Mining Framework.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Tian Li, Jan Niklas van Detten.
International Conference on Process Mining Demo Track 2024.
Non-refereed publications
Process Mining without Process Models.
Sander J.J. Leemans.
Workshop on Digital Transformation with Business Process Mining (keynote) 2024.
Process Mining with Labelled Stochastic Nets.
Adam Burke.
Queensland University of Technology PhD thesis 2024.

Honorable mention for Best PhD Thesis Award at the International Conference on Process Mining 2024
A Conceptualisation of Process Mining Impacts.
Azumah Mamudu.
Queensland University of Technology PhD thesis 2024.
Stochastic-Aware Precision and Recall Measures for Conformance Checking in Process Mining.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Artem Polyvyanyy.
Information Systems 2023.
Significant Stochastic Dependencies in Process Models.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Lisa L. Mannel, Natalia Sidorova.
Information Systems 2023.
Partial Order Based Process Mining: A Survey and Outlook.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Sebastiaan J. van Zelst, Xixi Lu.
Knowledge and Information Systems 2023.
Statistical Tests and Association Measures for Business Processes.
Sander J.J. Leemans, James M. McGree, Artem Polyvyanyy, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2023.
Process Mining for Healthcare Decision Analytics with Micro-Costing Estimations.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Andrew Partington, Jonathan Karnon, Moe T. Wynn.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2023.
Digital Health Data Quality Issues: Systematic Review.
Rehan Syed, Rebekah Eden, Tendai Makasi, Ignatius Chukwudi, Azumah Mamudu, Mostafa Kamalpour, Dakshi Kapugama Geeganage, Sareh Sadeghianasl, Sander J.J. Leemans, Kanika Goel, Robert Andrews, Moe T. Wynn, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede, Trina Myers.
Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023.
A Process Mining Impacts Framework.
Azumah Mamudu, Wasana Bandara, Sander J.J. Leemans, Moe T. Wynn.
Business Process Management Journal 2023.
Digital Health Data Imperfection Patterns and Their Manifestations in an Australian Digital Hospital.
Kanika Goel, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede, Sander J.J. Leemans, Andrew Staib, Sareh Sadeghianasl, Moe T. Wynn, James McGree, Rob Eley, Robert Andrews, Dakshi Kapugama Geeganage, Rebekah Eden, Raelene Donovan.
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2023.
Modelling Data-Aware Stochastic Processes - Discovery and Conformance Checking.
Felix Mannhardt, Sander J.J. Leemans, Christopher T. Schwanen, Massimiliano de Leoni.
International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency 2023.
Stochastic-Aware Comparative Process Mining in Healthcare.
Tabib Mazhar, Asad Tariq, Sander J.J. Leemans, Kanika Goel, Moe T. Wynn, Andrew Staib.
International Conference on Business Process Management 2023.
Investigating the Influence of Data-aware Process States on Activity Probabilities in Simulation Models: Does Accuracy Improve?.
Massimiliano de Leoni, Francesco Vinci, Felix Mannhardt, Sander J.J. Leemans.
International Conference on Business Process Management 2023.
An Approximate Inductive Miner.
Jan Niklas van Detten, Pol Schumacher, Sander J.J. Leemans.
International Conference on Process Mining 2023.
State Snapshot Process Discovery on Elite Qing Dynasty Civil Service Career Paths.
Adam T. Burke, Sander J.J. Leemans, Moe T. Wynn, Cameron Campbell.
International Conference on Process Mining 2023.
Finite-Trace Analysis of Stochastic Systems with Silent Transitions (Extended Abstract).
Sander J.J. Leemans, Marco Montali, Fabrizio M. Maggi.
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023.
Other refereed publications
Significant Stochastic Dependencies in Process Models.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Lisa M. Mannel, Natalia Sidorova.
International Conference on Business Process Management Journal First 2023.
Non-refereed publications
Enjoy the Silence: Analysis of Stochastic Petri Nets with Silent Transitions.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Fabrizio M. Maggi, Marco Montali.
arXiv 2023.
Robust Process Mining with Guarantees: Process Discovery, Conformance Checking and Enhancement.
Sander J.J. Leemans.
Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-96654-6 2022.
An assisted approach to business process redesign.
Tobias Fehrer, Dominik A. Fischer, Sander J.J. Leemans, Maximilian Roglinger, Moe T. Wynn.
Decision Support Systems 2022.
Quality-Informed Process Mining: a Case for Standardised Data Quality Annotations.
Kanika Goel, Sander J.J. Leemans, Niels Martin, Moe T. Wynn.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 2022.
xPM: Enhancing Exogenous Data Visibility.
Adam Banham, Sander J.J. Leemans, Moe T. Wynn, Robert Andrews, Kevin B. Laupland, Lucy Shinners.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2022.
Online assessment and COVID: opportunities and challenges.
Simon, Meena Jha, Sander J.J. Leemans, Regina Berretta, Ayse A. Bilgin, Lakmali Jayarathna, Judy Sheard.
Australasian Computing Education Conference 2022.
Reasoning on Labelled Petri Nets and their Dynamics in a Stochastic Setting.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Marco Montali.
International Conference on Business Process Management 2022.
A Process Mining Success Factors Model.
Azumah Mamudu, Wasana Bandara, Moe T. Wynn, Sander J.J. Leemans.
International Conference on Business Process Management 2022.
Alpha Precision: Estimating the Significant System Behavior in a Model.
Benoı̂t Depaire, Gert Janssenswillen, Sander J.J. Leemans.
International Conference on Business Process Management forum 2022.
Causal Reasoning over Control-Flow Decisions in Process Models.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Niek Tax.
Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering 2022.
Stochastic Process Model-Log Quality Dimensions: An Experimental Study.
Adam Burke, Sander J.J. Leemans, Moe T. Wynn, Wil M.P. van der Aalst and Arthur ter Hofstede.
International Conference on Process Mining 2022.
Other refereed publications
A Tool for Assisted Business Process Redesign.
Tobias Fehrer, Dominik A. Fischer, Sander J.J. Leemans, Maximilian Röglinger, Moe T. Wynn.
International Conference on Business Process Management demos 2022.
Automated Process Discovery.
Sander J.J. Leemans.
Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies in press.
FilterTree: a Repeatable Branching XES Editor.
Sander J.J. Leemans.
International Conference on Process Mining demos 2022.
Non-refereed publications
Language-Preserving Reduction Rules for Block-Structured Workflow Nets.
Sander J.J. Leemans.
arXiv 2022.
Leveraging frequencies in event data: a pledge for stochastic process mining.
Sander J.J. Leemans.
Algorithms and Theories for the Analysis of Event Data, invited keynote 2022.
Opportunities and Challenges for Process Mining in Organisations – Results of a Delphi Study.
Niels Martin, Dominik A. Fischer, Georgi D. Kerpedzhiev, Kanika Goel, Sander J.J. Leemans, Maximimilian Röglinger, Wil M.P van der Aalst, Marlon Dumas, Marcello La Rosa, Moe T. Wynn.
Business & Information Systems Engineering 2021.
Stochastic Process Mining: Earth Movers’ Stochastic Conformance.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Wil M.P. van der Aalst, Tobias Brockhoff, Artem Polyvyanyy.
Information Systems 2021.
Optimized Discovery of Process Models From Event Logs: Framework and Evaluation.
Adriano Augusto, Marlon Dumas, Marcello la Rosa, Seppe K.L.M. vanden Broucke, Sander J.J. Leemans.
Software & Systems Modeling 2021.
Adaptability of academic integrity procedures and practices in the COVID-19-accelerated transition to online assessment.
Meena Jha, Simon, Regina Berretta, Ayse Bilgin, Judy Sheard, Lakmali Jayarathna, Sander J.J. Leemans, Trina Myers.
Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Conference 2021.
A Case Study of Inconsistency in Process Mining Use: Implications for the Theory of Effective Use.
Rebekah Eden, Rehan Syed, Sander J.J. Leemans, Joos A.C.M. Buijs.
International Conference on Business Process Management 2021.
Improving PhD Student Journeys with Process Mining: Insights from a Higher Education Institution.
Kanika Goel, Sander J.J. Leemans, Moe T. Wynn, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede, Janne Barres.
International Conference on Business Process Management industry track 2021.
Discovering Stochastic Process Models By Reduction and Abstraction.
Adam Burke, Sander J.J. Leemans, Moe T. Wynn.
International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency 2021.
xPM: A Framework for Process Mining with Exogenous Data.
Adam Banham, Sander J.J. Leemans, Moe T. Wynn, Robert Andrews.
International Conference on Process Mining workshops 2021.
Translating Workflow Nets to Process Trees: An Algorithmic Approach.
Sebastiaan J. van Zelst, Sander J.J. Leemans.
Algorithms 2020.
Robotic Process Automation: Contemporary Themes and Challenges.
Rehan Syed, Suriadi Suriadi, Michael Adams, Wasana Bandara, Sander J.J. Leemans, Chun Ouyang, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede, Inge van de Weerd, Moe Thandar Wynn, Hajo A. Reijers.
Computers in Industry 2020.
Robust Drift Characterization from Event Streams of Business Processes.
Alireza Ostovar, Sander J.J. Leemans, Marcello la Rosa.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 2020.
Recommending Insightful Drill-Downs based on Learning Processes for Learning Analytics Dashboards.
Shiva Shabaninejad, Hassan Khosravi, Sander J.J. Leemans, Shazia Sadiq, Marta Indulska.
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education 2020.
Process Mining Adoption: A Technology Continuity versus Discontinuity Perspective.
Rehan Syed, Sander J.J. Leemans, Rebekah Eden, Joos A.C.M Buijs.
International Conference on Business Process Management forum 2020.
Stochastic-Aware Conformance Checking: An Entropy-Based Approach.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Artem Polyvyanyy.
Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering 2020.
Bot Log Mining: Using Logs from Robotic Process Automation for Process Mining.
Andreas Egger, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede, Wolfgang Kratsch, Sander J.J. Leemans, Maximimilian Röglinger, Moe T. Wynn.
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling 2020.
Identifying Cohorts: Recommending Drill-Downs Based on Differences in Behaviour for Process Mining.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Shiva Shabaninejad, Kanika Goel, Hassan Khosravi, Shazia Sadiq, Moe T. Wynn.
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling 2020.
Building 'Holistic' Business Process Modelling Skills for IS Graduates.
Wasana Bandara, Mythreyi Velmurugan, Sander J.J. Leemans.
International Conference on Information Systems 2020.
Using Multi-Level Information in Hierarchical Process Mining: Balancing Behavioural Quality and Model Complexity.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Kanika Goel, Sebastiaan J. van Zelst.
International Conference on Process Mining 2020.
Process Discovery Using In-database Minimum Self Distance Abstractions.
Alifah Syamsiyah, Sander J.J. Leemans.
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2020.
Stochastic Process Discovery By Weight Estimation.
Adam Burke, Sander J.J. Leemans, Moe T. Wynn.
International Workshop on Process Querying, Manipulation, and Intelligence 2020.
Other refereed publications
Identifying Cohorts that Differ in their Behaviour: Tool Support.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Shiva Shabaninejad, Kanika Goel, Hassan Khosravi, Shazia Sadiq, Moe T. Wynn.
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling demos 2020.
Entropia: A Family of Entropy-Based Conformance Checking Measures for Process Mining.
Artem Polyvyanyy, Hanan Alkhammash, Claudio Di Ciccio, Luciano García-Bañuelos, Anna Kalenkova, Sander J.J. Leemans, Jan Mendling, Alistair Moffat, Matthias Weidlich.
International Conference on Process Mining demos 2020.
Information-Preserving Abstractions of Event Data in Process Mining.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Dirk Fahland.
Knowledge and Information Systems 2019.
Earth Movers' Stochastic Conformance Checking.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Anja Syring, Wil M.P. van der Aalst.
International Conference on Business Process Management forum 2019.
Directly Follows-Based Process Mining: Exploration & a Case Study.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Erik Poppe, Moe T. Wynn.
International Conference on Process Mining 2019.
Other refereed publications
Automated Process Discovery.
Sander J.J. Leemans.
Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies 2019.
Directly Follows-Based Process Mining: a Tool.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Erik Poppe, Moe T. Wynn.
International Conference on Process Mining demos 2019.
Isolating the Impact of Rock Properties and Operational Settings on Minerals Processing Performance: A Data-driven Approach.
Suriadi Suriadi, Sander J.J. Leemans, Cristián Carrasco, Luke Keeney, Patrick Walters, Kevin Burrage, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede, Moe T. Wynn.
Minerals Engineering 2018.
Indulpet Miner: Combining Discovery Algorithms.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Niek Tax, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede.
International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems 2018.
Other refereed publications
Robust Process Mining with Guarantees: extended abstract.
Sander J.J. Leemans.
International Conference on Business Process Management dissertations 2018.
Other refereed publications
Automated Process Discovery.
Sander J.J. Leemans.
Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies 2017.
Robust Process Mining with Guarantees.
Sander J.J. Leemans.
Eindhoven University of Technology, PhD thesis 2017.
Scalable process discovery and conformance checking.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Dirk Fahland, Wil M.P. van der Aalst.
Software & Systems Modeling 2016.
PM^2: A Process Mining Project Methodology.
Maikel L. van Eck, Xixi Lu, Sander J.J. Leemans, Wil M.P. van der Aalst.
Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering 2015.
Using Life Cycle Information in Process Discovery.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Dirk Fahland, Wil M.P. van der Aalst.
Business Process Intelligence 2015.
Discovering Queues from Event Logs with Varying Levels of Information.
Arik Senderovich, Sander J.J. Leemans, Shahar Harel, Avigdor Gal, Avishai Mandelbaum, Wil M.P. van der Aalst.
Business Process Intelligence 2015.
Scalable Process Discovery with Guarantees.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Dirk Fahland, Wil M.P. van der Aalst.
Business Process Modeling, Development, and Support 2015.
Discovering Block-Structured Process Models from Incomplete Event Logs.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Dirk Fahland, Wil M.P. van der Aalst.
International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency 2014.
Exploring Processes and Deviations.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Dirk Fahland, Wil M.P. van der Aalst.
Business Process Intelligence 2014.
Other refereed publications
Process and Deviation Exploration with Inductive Visual Miner.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Dirk Fahland, Wil M.P. van der Aalst.
International Conference on Business Process Management demos 2014.
Process Discovery and Exploration.
Sander J.J. Leemans.
Business Process Management Workshops doctoral consortium 2014.
Formalising and analysing the control software of the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider.
Yi-Ling Hwong, Jeroen J. A. Keiren, Vincent J. J. Kusters, Sander J. J. Leemans, Tim A. C. Willemse.
Science of Computer Programming 2013.
Discovering Block-Structured Process Models from Event Logs - A Constructive Approach.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Dirk Fahland, Wil M.P. van der Aalst.
International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency 2013.
Discovering Block-Structured Process Models from Event Logs Containing Infrequent Behaviour.
Sander J.J. Leemans, Dirk Fahland, Wil M.P. van der Aalst.
Business Process Intelligence 2013.
Validation of CERN's Finite State Machines.
Sander J.J. Leemans.
Eindhoven University of Technology, Master's thesis 2012.
Beeld van Informaticaonderwijs op de Middelbare School.
Dennis A.H. Haverkamp, Elisa L. van Hout, Sander J.J. Leemans, Bas S.W.A Luksenburg.
Eindhoven University of Technology, Master's thesis 2011.